The first week of classes has been intense! The Lord has some incredibly passionate people who love and want serve Him.
This week is called “Rock The House” week and its theme is loyalty. The teachings have been focused on our loyalty to God. The continuous challenge presented has been if we care about ourselves or if we care about the things of the Lord. Our teachers have been breaking down what Loyalty is and in each class challenging us to run after it.
George Clerie (Director of The Rock University) rocked my world… as usual. On Wednesday he was speaking about how Jesus lived. He didn’t live in a nice house. He didn’t have a bed. He didn’t live “the American dream”. He lived life out of the ordinary. We’re always saying, “ I wanna live like Jesus.” George has challenged us to consider if we are really believing if Jesus is worth risking it all? And, do our choices and our lives reflect what we say we believe. Are we willing to give over all our comforts, all our wants and all our “stuff” to preach the Gospel and reach the nations for Jesus?
“When Jesus Christ calls us to follow Him… He isn’t calling us to a reasonable life of service… but to a radical life of sacrifice.” ~ Pastor George Clerie
That really spoke to me. That is something I desire. I desire to live a life of sacrifice for the One Who gave it all to secure my eternal life with Him.
Sarah Macintosh was leading us in the song “More Than Enough”. It says, “ All of You is more than enough for me”.
Jesus gave me His ALL. Why shouldn’t I give all I have back to Him?
Mark Schnieder ( one of the founders of S.E.N.D Ministries) taught very passionately about the eyes of God from Revelation 19:11 and 1 Chronicles 28:9. He talked about the wickedness of man and how Gods eyes see our wickedness and still He has mercy and grace…. and wants for all of us to follow Him. Mark spoke of the struggle to say no to self, and he boiled it down real simple like: “Fix your eyes on the one who has His eyes fixed on you.” He concluded by sharing, “God is calling us to be a generation to carry His fire to the ends of the earth.”
There have also been some sweet moments and I’ll share a few with you…
On Tuesday, right before the end of classes for the day, the teacher asked us to turn to the person next to us and pray for them. Myself and two women named Claudette and Sarah came together and started praying. Sarah prayed and started by saying “ Lord, I thank you for Sarah and Claudette”. Claudette started crying and she said “ Lord, thank you for bringing me two Sarahs! It is truly a miracle!” It was the sweetest thing. After we prayed she told us that the Lord was using Sarahs all around to pray and speak to her. I’m glad I could be part of the “ Sarahs.”
I met another lady named Melissa who sat next to me on the very first day of class. The Lord has called her to go to Haiti and start an orphanage. That was super encouraging to me that she has such a heart for kids, for the lost, lonely and hurting kid’s of a place so destroyed and abandoned. I will definitely keep her in my prayers as she embarks on this grand adventure with the Lord.
I have also heard amazing testimonies of how the Lord has spoken and lead His followers into His promises. It’s been an amazing week!
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